#Spankee Doodle Winners
Let’s have a round of applause for our Spankee Doodle participating authors, ambassadors, readers…and our wonderful sponsors who donated such wonderful prizes! Since it will be another four months until Spank or Treat 2013 (October 25-27 with prize announcements on Halloween day), you have plenty of time to check out these grand prize donors:
- Kindle Fire or Nook Color (winner’s choice)!
(donated by Blushing Books) - $100 gift certificate
(donated by Blushing Books) - $25 gift certificate to Blushing Books
(donated by Patty Devlin) - $20 gift certificate to Amazon!
(donated by Stormy Night Publications) - Custom-made Spankee Doodle paddle*!
(donated by Blondie’s Place)
*Available to US and Canada participants only - Book Bundles from:
Decadent Publishing
LazyDay Publishing
Stormy Night Publications
Patty Devlin - Pre-publication consultation of a manuscript up to 15K
(donated by Wizards in Publishing)
Without our sponsors, our “spank hops” (Spank or Treat, Love Spanks, and Spankee Doodle) would not be nearly as successful. Thank you! To have this kind of support is a dream come true, and it speaks volumes for the growing acceptance of spanking fiction.
Okay. You’re anxious to hear the prize winning names, right? Let’s go!
Adaline Raine: the Wizards in Publication consultation of a manuscript up to 15K! Good luck, Addy! I hope you’ll use your prize to work on your very first F/F story. 
Erzabet Bishop: Patty Devlin book bundle
His First Mate: Stormy Night Publications book bundle
Gemini: LazyDay Publishing book bundle
Fiona/SirQsmlb: Decadent Publishing book bundle
These books should keep you busy (and maybe even out of trouble) until Spank or Treat 2013 rolls around. Happy reading!
Kelly Adams: Custom-made Spankee Doodle paddle from Blondie’s Place! Enjoy getting in touch with your spanky side!
The Long Bean: $20 Amazon gift certificate, donated by Stormy Night Publications!
Irishey: $25 Blushing Books gift certificate, donated by Patty Devlin
Books, books, and more books!
And for our two extra-grand prizes, let’s give Blushing another round of thank yous.
Pao wins the $100 gift certificate to Blushing! Now you can keep current with books from all of your favorite authors.
And Cat is the lucky winner of the Kindle Fire/Nook Color (her choice)!
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