Thursday, July 19, 2012

Time to Talk About Writing

It's time to talk about writing, like the heading said.

I realised I've waffled on and never really talked about my first book, Becky's Last Chance.

Becky's Last Chance starts with Becky laying in bed on her eighteenth birthday in a dorm room of a strict Catholic boarding school.

Becky lost her mother when she was six and subsequently was very indulged by her father who was desperate to erase the pain that his little girl had suffered from the loss of her mother. It also eased his own pain to throw himself into giving his daughter everything. The result? A spoiled teenager with no self control that got herself into trouble at school.

Her arch nemesis was Tracy Dean, the school Principal who was determined to make her tow the line. Unfortunately Becky was just as determined to make her Principal see who was boss. In her own mind anyway. After the Principal who was in her late thirties banned her from Prom, she was furious and determined to get revenge.

Her revenge though landed her in even deeper trouble with the Principal and with her Dad who was at his wits end. Feeling like he'd done a mediocre job of raising his daughter, he took the advice of the principal and sent her away to boarding school in the hope that her stubborn nature could be reigned in before she reached adulthood which was fast approaching.

This is where we first meet Becky on her eighteenth birthday as she remembers the events that led her to where she was. She also remembers Ryan her fathers right hand man who she has had a crush on for years. She has a very spicy fantasy while imagining how she would like her relationship to be with Ryan.

After Becky left for Boarding school, her Dad was devastated and Tracy Dean the Principal steps in to assure him that he's done the right thing for Becky. She really does believe that in the right hands Becky is redeemable. The two spend a lot of time together and fall in love.

Geoff (the Dad) knows this is not going to be popular with Becky who still hasn't spoken to him or Ryan. She holds nothing but animosity for Tracy and believes that she has ruined her life. He knows though that Becky and Ryan are meant to be a couple and he hatches a plot to get them together. He moves to New York taking Tracy with him. He leaves Ryan in charge of all the finances so that Becky has no choice but to follow his rules. Geoff knew that given enough time together the two would fall in love.

That is where the first chapter ends and the real story begins. There are fun and games with Becky, Ryan, Becky's friend Kendall and the Ryan's friend a deputy sheriff.  The first chapter can be read for free at Blushing Books, Amazon both UK and US and on Barnes & Noble.

I am currently working on a sequel.

My new book An Unexpected Husband is due to be released tomorrow. This though is not the sequel but a new romantic tale.

Becky's Last Chance at Blushing Books

And at Amazon Kindle US… UK

My Fanfics can be found here...

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